If you share this passion, you know very well that the pleasure given by board games works on multiple levels. From collecting various titles enhanced with gadgets and add-ons, to the pleasure of board games showing a stylistically refined design and easily perceivable quality, in order to repeat every time the experience of intense game emotions.
Real Queen is also this. We can appreciate it in the Luxury version, which highlights a choice of highly precious materials, as well as in the Regular version, in which a careful design study has given life to a compact and elegant box that contains all the game's components.
However, the peculiarity of the game lies in the use of glass marbles, here in a new unusual and collectible guise. Different collections of marbles may appear in different games and truly be conquered by the opponent and made their own.
A more unique than rare experience in a board game which provides for every game with new emotions and exciting cognitive experiences.
Real Queen emerges therefore as the perfect meeting of passion and pleasure for the game combined with the care and refinement of the design in a balanced outstanding mix.