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Real Queen tournament in the comic shop - La Torre di Babele in Modugno

The RealQueen community grows and resumes themed events in attendance. On March 16th we were guests of the La Torre di Babele comic shop in Modugno for a tournament evening that fascinated boys and girls of different ages.

The evening was introduced and presented by Leonardo Catano, creator of the game, who after having illustrated the main dynamics of the game, devoted himself to some demonstration sessions before starting the actual race. The whole evening was lived under the banner of sharing for the passion for board games, curiosity and lightheartedness.

As in any self-respecting tournament there have been winners and above all prizes. Among the prizes, an Amazon Gift card worth €. 50, Real Queen toy boxes, limited edition Betty Queen thermal bottles and € 10 vouchers for the purchase of a new Real Queen game box that can be spent directly on our online shop. All participants were given a gift voucher that can be spent on our website.

RealQueen events are the way we prefer to bring the game to the places most frequented by people who are passionate about board games. Each time it is an opportunity for confirmation and comparison with different points of view and new ideas on which to work to grow further.

The RealQueen calendar of events is continuing to populate these days and we are always happy to share our passion with anyone who wants to experience a new, fun and challenging game.lante.

If you want to know the next RealQueen events, contact us now or follow our social channels. If, on the other hand, you are the owner of a comic shop or table games store and you want to organize a RealQueen tournament at your business, contact us by email!

We will respond quickly to organize a RealQueen evening event in your city.

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