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Real Queen tournament @ Notte Bianca dello Sport in Modugno

Saturday 22 July 2023 we were present at the White Night of Sport in #Modugno!

An occasion organized by the Piazzapubblica association to play, have fun and get in touch with the Real Queen community. We've really gotten into it... and that's why we've organized a new Prize Tournament before the summer break!

Many prizes made available, including a VOUCHER worth 100 EUROs that can be spent in the "La Bottega del Libro" bookshop (first prize) plus many gadgets signed by Real Queen! It was an opportunity to meet, share and have fun for all the people who participated both as competitors and as interested in the event. Sixteen boys and girls challenged each other in direct eliminations that were always exciting and full of twists which decreed the winner of the Cesare Veneziano Tournament (already participant and winner in the Junior category in the Real Queen Millennium Tournament races).

We are dedicating 2023 in a particular way to events and we are always happily surprised to see how transversal the interest in a project that is growing with you can be. Parents, boys and girls also participated on this occasion with great enthusiasm and desire to get involved but also to be part of a community, of a "movement" with which to share values ​​and ambitions.

We are truly grateful for this.

As you know we like to link our game to causes that are noble and can help others. Also on this occasion, part of the proceeds was donated to a girl from our city, Arshia, suffering from spastic tetraparesis.

The appointment with the Real Queen events will resume in the autumn, thanks again to everyone for the great support shown towards the entire project, see you very soon!

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